Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Matthew 5:13-16

     Satan has thrown every stumbling block in between me and this computer that he can think of.  I have been miserable because I'd make a writing date with God and then wouldn't show up.  That is so wrong.  Thank you, Jesus, for your great capacity to forgive.  We're on the same page tonight and He is writing again.
     Part of the problem was that I couldn't wrap my brain around the Sermon on the Mount. It is three chapters long and I couldn't figure out how Jesus could teach so many people from the top of a mountain.  He didn't!  Jesus went to the top of the mountain and sat in a grassy spot and His disciples sat around Him.  That's where and when He gave them the Beatitudes.
     He called them the salt of the earth and charged them to be the light of the world.  If salt (our testimony) loses its savour, it can't be restored.  It's worthless and all you can do with it is throw it away.  This is what I see as a wake-up call to all of mankind who are believers.  I need to testify that I am a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ as often as I can.  I need to keep my testimony fresh and alive.  My love for Jesus Christ must be what my mother used to tell us, "First impressions (testimonies) are lasting impressions."
     I was at a store the other day and my check out person was tired, her feet hurt and she was anxious to go home and soak in a hot tub.  I asked her if I could pray for her and she smiled from ear to ear.  Her answer was,"Oh, please do."  I told her I was going to ask God to give her a special blessing the next day.  About a dozen people were standing around, so by the grace of God, I got to talk about Jesus to a dozen or more people just thru our conversation.  I don't know if she got her blessing, but something tells me she did.
     A building that sits on the top of a mountain cannot be seen without light, lots of light. It doesn't need a wick in a petri dish in the window.  It'll just flicker and die out and the building will be lost in the darkness.  However, if I fill a candelabra with candles and set one in each window, my house has a beacon to lead others to me.  My light is my love for my Lord and one I want everyone to see,
     I remember God calling me to be an educator on my first day of kindergarten.  There was no question in my mind that I was to become a teacher.  I have spent my life teaching children from preschool to adults studying for their GED test.  There was VBS, Sunday School, day care and teens at church.  I have written programs used across the nation to help adults learn job skills as well as educating them.  To God is the glory.  In one incident when I was not in fellowship with Him, I lost my ability to speak clearly.  I lost my teaching career.  I was humbled at the feet of the Holy Spirit.  To God still goes the glory.